First day at TCR: Anna Leta

Young brindle: Suzie Q

Big Brindle: Tornado's Whirlwind
Sold at the 2014 Cattle Baron Auction.

Straight Butler: Lauren Graves

Favorite Horns: Susie Dode

Alpha Cow: Rebel Star

Cadillac Horns: Mo Baby IV

Beautiful face: Mary Jo Graves
Baby Pictures!
Each new longhorn brings excitement at the ranch; click each picture what they look like now.

Born March 2013, TCR Opal has similar markings as TCR Onyx. Both were sired by Big Wig.
Sturdy bull-calf Onyx was born December 2012. This little guy head-butts just about anything he can!
Sired by Big Wig.

Born a week after Onyx to first-time mom Mo Baby IV, TCR Ruby has beautiful markings!
Sired by Big Wig.

TCR Margarita, born July 2012, sired by Walker Butler.
First heifer born at our ranch.